

This website provides a focus of TIM's broadband and ultra-broadband fixed network infrastructure, representing region by region through a provincial level aggregation. With the same method, the site provides also the territory coverage with mobile ultra-broadband network (4G and 4G plus technology), in terms of the percentage of municipalities covered. For each province, there is a cartographic part, consisting of a "map" showing the exchanges and connections that form TIM fixed broadband and ultra-broadband network, as well as the municipalities "covered" by the 4G and 4G plus network. , and a second part containing the quantitative data relating to what is shown in the maps.

The description and the cartographic representation of TIM's broadband and ultra-broadband network at the provincial level only concerns the exchanges and the connections between them: it is not possible to provide an accurate representation of the access network, which is the most widespread part of the network that connects the last exchange to a building, the so-called "local loop".

The information contained in this website refers to the situation of the network updated in June 2023, provincial maps are updated in december 2022. The data contained in the document refer to the infrastructures managed by TIM.


The number of active broadband lines was detailed using the same criteria adopted by AGCOM; the amounts could therefore be different from those described in the official reports of TIM, that are processed using a different accounting criteria.
The average monthly data traffic volume (both total and disaggregated) are referred to the month of 4th quarter of each year; data relating to total data traffic on a fixed broadband network represents the traffic carried by the OPM network and measured on DSLAM and OLT.
With regard to the number of exchanges and equipment of fixed broadband network, the term "site" refers to installations of outdoor equipment that do not have all the performs of a traditional exchange, even though they can provide broadband connection service.
The ADSL coverage refers to the percentage of population located in an area served by an exchange with broadband service equipment (DSLAM).

The decrease in DSLAM sites and in the percentage of sites with IP DSLAMs compared to DSLAM sites is due to a replacement effect of ADSL technology with the more performing VDSL2 and E-VDSL2 technology, achieved by replacing IP DSLAMs, especially in road sites, with ONU/MSAN NGAN



The percentage of exchanges providing ultra-broadband services is calculated to the total of the planned exchanges that offer broadband service, excluding the installations of external equipment ("sites") that cannot be equipped with OLT (Optical Line Terminal) ) to provide ultra-broadband service.
The NGAN coverage refers to the percentage of households in an area served by an exchange equipped with ultra-broadband service (OLT). The percentage of exchanges with OLT is calculated on the total number of exchanges planned for the development of the NGAN network (exchanges COLT "Central office long term")


the municipalities covered with 4G technology also includes those covered with 4G plus technology. Any negative changes in yoy refer to repositioning of some mobile network infrastructures which could lead to temporary decreases in terms of coverage;


Within the maps showing the fixed transmission network in the Italian provinces, there could be some fiber or radio link connection that do not end in any indicated exchange: these are connections terminating in transmission equipment not graphically represented in the maps (i.e. minor sites or mobile base stations);


All data and informations included in the website come from TIM corporate website http://www.telecomitalia.com/tit/it.html, from TIM wholesale website https://www.wholesale.telecomitalia.com/, from quarterly reports of TIM communicated to financial community http://www.telecomitalia.com/tit/it/investors.html and from elaborations on TIM internal data.